I wanted to update you on some of the work we’re doing behind the scenes at DVSA in the heavy vehicle testing and approvals world.
This year has seen us invest in upgrading our systems, modernising our services and providing a more efficient service for our customers up and down the country.
These changes have centred on:
- providing services closer to you
- providing services in a more cost efficient and timely manner
- improving digital access and shifting towards new service models

Launching ‘manage your vehicle testing’ (MYVT)
Last year, we launched our MYVT (manage your vehicle testing) service which has seen great engagement from users across industry. We want to continue to develop and add new features to the platform, like adding the ability to schedule your ATF testing events through MYVT, so that we can provide you with one easy place to do business with DVSA. I’ll explain more in this blog post about how that will work.
Improving how testing events are scheduled
We’re making digital improvements to our current workforce management solution, to better support the needs of the agency and to better meet the expectations of customers.
Whilst a lot of these changes will happen internally, we want to use this change to provide ATFs with a more modern and personalised service.
From the heavy vehicle testing review we learnt that customers had concerns about efficiency and availability of tests, and that we needed to create a service fit for the needs of the industry in a digital age.
After reviewing your feedback, we are confident that the new system will deliver this by:
- allowing ATFs to request testing events further into the future, without the need to contact us directly
- creating more flexibility for customers to change testing events online
- reducing reliance on filling out forms and contacting DVSA by phone
- creating a self-serve system that is tailored to your individual testing needs
Adding ATF scheduling to MYVT
By the end of December, you will be able to view your confirmed quarterly testing events for April to June 2025 on MYVT. Because we’ve been able to add this onto all ATFs MYVT profile, we won’t be sending a confirmation email as normal.

What happens next
We’re aiming to have a more interactive service where you’ll be able to manage your scheduled testing events online by the end of March 2025. This will help save you time and allow you to self-serve.
Going forwards, you won’t need to fill in the standard quarterly booking form as we’ll assume you want the same testing schedule as requested through your demand profile. This should reduce the amount of unnecessary admin you need to carry out.
If you do need to amend your confirmed testing schedule, you’ll be able to do this on MYVT more easily, saving the need to contact us by phone when you need to amend or change anything.
Holding webinars
We'll be holding webinars in the new year to demonstrate how the new tools for ATFs will work on MYVT, and to answer any questions you might have. We'll send out a link to the sessions soon, so please keep an eye out for this.
Replacing the TAS (technical application service)
Another one of our larger projects that we’ve been working on has been creating a new system to replace the Technical Application Service (TAS). We are digitising the application, payment and booking process to make our services more efficient to use – you can read more about this in our last blog post.
By adding the ability to apply for technical tests on MYVT, rather than TAS, it should help reduce the time you spend filling in paperwork and manually checking each application.
Applying for technical tests through MYVT
We’ve started encouraging our pre-funded account holders to move over to apply for technical tests through MYVT, and I'm really pleased to say we’ve received over 900 applications on the new system so far.
As part of this phased approach, we will be transitioning all other customers at the start of the new year. We’ll be contacting customers soon who will be affected by this change, explaining how they can apply for their technical tests through MYVT.
Whilst the current system on MYVT is similar to TAS, as we develop the service further, we’ll be making the application process more intuitive and adding the ability for you to pay online.
Making approvals testing more convenient
Another key improvement that we have begun looking at is the creation of third-party testing sites for approvals customers, which will be called VEFs (vehicle examination facilities).
These will work similarly to the way we currently conduct HGV annual tests, where you request testing time at a third-party site and DVSA vehicle colleagues carry out the Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA) inspections there instead of at a DVSA testing site.
In line with our other improvements to modernise our services, the introduction of VEFs will be a game-changing move for customers.
VEFs will help by:
- making testing more convenient with sites closer to you
- saving customers’ time and money with less travelling to far away testing sites
- simplifying the booking and testing process
Over the coming months we’ll be working with key stakeholders and the industry on how this will work and provide a more detailed timeline on its rollout.
Digitising plating certificates
In my previous blog, I talked about the improvement we’re working on to introduce digital plating certificates for HGVs onto the MOT history service.
In March 2023, we started the process to make heavy vehicle plating certificates available digitally by emailing operators their first and replacement plating certificates instead of posting. Our teams are continuing their work on providing plating certificates on MOT history at a steady pace and we’ll let you know in the new year when this new feature will be available to you.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions on the improvements we're bringing in and we’ll get back to you in the comments.
Comment by Brian Currie posted on
I would say Trevor that most would disagree, travel time has reduced dramatically for most and the ability to be more flexible on timing on the day are just a few of the improvements we see.BC
Comment by Gordon Thomson posted on
Hi Brian, really good you are seeing the benefits. Our intention is to keep improving our services, whether digital or otherwise.
Comment by Michele Norris posted on
MYVT system needs to work better. No notification when vehicle is released to book test. Done on assumption when notified of payment. Statement quotes Z number which we are no longer given so unable to reconcile statements.
Comment by Gordon Thomson posted on
Hi Michele, thanks for your feedback.
The service is being developed iteratively so there will be ongoing improvements.
From next week invoices will show the VIN number of the submission allowing you to tie the submission and application reference together.
In January, we intend to change the notification wording to make it clearer that the application has been approved for inspection. We will also be providing a view of historical application submissions. This will include both VIN and VRM/Z number information which we believe provides a one-stop view of progression of applications rather than you being reliant on the automated emails.
Comment by Michele Norris posted on
Thanks for the info, having the VIN will be a great help. So many numbers before, VIN, TAS and Z! Anything that simplifies will help.
Comment by Trevor Coltman posted on
The HGV and PSV testing system worked fine until the original DOT testing stations were closed. It has gone downhill ever since.
Comment by Gordon Thomson posted on
Thanks for your comment Trevor, the ATF model provides greater choice of test location for our customers and satisfaction rates are high. We do understand that it can be slightly more complex for some operators who don’t have ties to test sites, and continue to seek ways to improve on that. Our priority is ensuring vehicles are safe to drive and we are continuing to improve our services in this respect.