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This blog post was published under the 2010-2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Feed back your experience of our services

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Woman with a hand to her ear showing she is listening

We want to know how you rate the services we deliver and where you think we could make improvements. We have commissioned an independent research company, Market Probe, to conduct 700 confidential telephone interviews with a representative cross-section of licensed operators.

If you are called by Market Probe we hope you will be able to give feedback. Your responses will help us to improve our services.

If you are not contacted but would like to provide feedback, you will soon be able to do so on line. Once we have completed the telephone interviews, we will email Moving On readers with a link to the on line version of the survey, giving you the chance to share your views.

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  1. Comment by Sam harpa posted on

    This system is a joke. You have to tax online but your system isn't available. I bet my car can still be impounded if I can't get tax.

  2. Comment by charles teideman posted on

    pathetic !!! It takes five times as long as the old system and one still doesn't know if one has succeeded in achieving what is required
    charles teideman

  3. Comment by Denise Tomlins posted on

    I have just purchased a new car but still have my old one(keeping this off road)I thought I had better SORN on the government website on entering the 16 digit number for the said vehicle ,not recognised said the website , what else can one do ?????

  4. Comment by derek posted on

    paper tax discs were stopped to save the government money , if I pay direct debt in one off payment it would cost me £107.63 ,if I pay with a switch card it will cost me £112.75 why?mabe the government should pass on some of the saving on to motorist,

  5. Comment by LAW posted on

    I have now tried 10 times to tax my car online since yesterday, and the site keeps timing out, at various stages of the application. The nearest I got was last night, to the payment stage, and after putting all my card details in, it timed out. So back to square one.
    So much for the new Beta system being, quicker, easier and better to use. Don't make me laugh.
    I still need to tax my car????????

  6. Comment by Paula posted on

    Been trying to go online for 3 hours and pay my road tax, but I keep being thrown out and the phone lines are being upgraded so cant pay via phone. Urghhh... frustrating. If the website doesn't get up and running soon, I will have no tax on my car and likely to be fined through no fault of my own!!

  7. Comment by David Burdett posted on

    Cannot get the application torenew to open. Tried using several pcs, tablets and iphones but only a blank screen appears after several minutes.

  8. Comment by jonathan crapper posted on

    site and phone number both out of order at 30th september 2014,so cant tax either car,not impressed,have to go to work on bus tommorow.

  9. Comment by Ray Stewart posted on

    Road Tax Changes 1st October, so why can't the monthly payment system be used until 1st November ?
    Is this just another rip off as usual ?

    *** A Neighbour phoned DVLA and was told she could pay monthly to renew her Road Tax from the 1st October, I have been unable to find any way to do so.
    So does that mean she has been misinformed by DVLA ? ***

  10. Comment by Alison posted on

    Your website to renew my car tax has not been available for the past few nights, when is likely to be available again, my tax runs out at the end of Sept?
    Many thanks

  11. Comment by TM posted on

    It would be extremely HELPFUL to be able to pay for road tax in installments by credit or debit card!