News Year’s enforcement dishonours list

We're sharing some of the worst roadside offenders that our enforcement officers spotted on our roads last year as we enter 2020.
We're sharing some of the worst roadside offenders that our enforcement officers spotted on our roads last year as we enter 2020.
...licence. These promises are always the same for restricted and standard operators, even though many restricted licence holders may not always see themselves as hauliers. So with this in mind,...
Manuals have been updated for HGV and PSV inspections. The changes introduced in September for implementation on 1 October 2015 are as a result of your feedback, technical standards enquiries, and a review of secondary brake testing procedures.
From 1 April 2015, we’ll be introducing a simpler, more consistent headlamp standard that aligns the headlamp aim test with the 2010/48/EU and 2014/45/EU directives.
London’s Industrial Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) task force has been recognised for its outstanding contribution to transport safety.