To coincide with International Women’s Day, DVSA Enforcement Delivery Manager for London Della Read talks about her experience as a woman in a senior position in a largely male environment.
Mark Horton, DVSA Enforcement Policy Specialist, debunks the top myths surrounding our roadside enforcement role.
We're sharing some of the worst roadside offenders that our enforcement officers spotted on our roads last year as we enter 2020.
As Halloween creeps up on us, we thought we’d share with you these recent horror stories that our enforcement officers have spotted on our roads.
DVSA Enforcement Manager Matt Barker tells you about why we decided to trial body cams for our enforcement staff, how the trial went and what we're doing next.
Our enforcement teams at the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) recently supported a major operation to target foreign criminals using the roads.
In September 2014, we began a joint working initiative with the Highways Agency (HA) to stop commercial vehicles at the roadside for the purpose of a DVSA inspection.
We are trialling a joint working pilot with Highways Agency to stop commercial vehicles at the roadside.